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Live Sound Summit 2020

Five days of practical online training for live sound engineers

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It's time to get focused on the areas you need help with

Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through content you just don't need, Live Sound Summit 2020 is delivered entirely online. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to transform your career, or catch them all. It’s up to you!

View the schedule
Advancing the plot - how to make clear and effective stage plots to minimise confusion and have a great show

June 04, 2020, 04:15 PM

Beth O'Leary
Modern Variable Directivity Techniques in Subwoofer Arrays

June 02, 2020, 08:00 PM

Mauricio (el Magu) Ramirez Perez

May 31, 2020, 03:45 PM

Dave Rat
A Tale of Three Tunings: A Holistic Approach to Systems Engineering

May 31, 2020, 08:30 PM

Michael Lawrence

Expert advice to cut through the noise

These experts will be sharing their years of knowledge and field tested strategies. If you’re focused on growing your career I've got you covered.

Meet the speakers

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Check out the Categories
Mixing FOH
Mixing Stage
Sound System Design & Optimization

Here's What Others Are Saying

  • This was full of great content last year, his podcast is excellent so if you’re into live sound, signup try and win but either way attend!

    Aaron Argo
    Aaron Argo


  • I took off from work so I could attend both days, every single minute. Incredible set of presenters and engaging group of attendees from around the world.

    Graham Torn
    Graham Torn


  • I meet a lot of people and learned from the biggest names in our business although we are all scattered around the world. Live Sound Summit is a great learning experience which took me to the next level. Everyone will discover something for themselves. Nathan Lively has created a great platform that provides more...

    Vladimir Vladimirov
    Vladimir Vladimirov


  • After watching Robert Scovill's session I reconfigured my entire console for a much better gain structure and workflow.

    David Revering
    David Revering


  • Thank you so so much for putting this together! I feel so re-inspired and feel like I have so many GREAT resources to teach myself about my gaps in education. I’m so grateful for you and all the presenters. Really looking forward to rewatching these talks and staying in touch.

    Kendall Allard
    Kendall Allard


  • I hadn't realized how much I was missing my "work family" during this strange time until I was back talking about audio with other like-minded nerds.

    Kim Wheeler
    Kim Wheeler


  • It was great to be able to interact with the presenters in a way that normally does not occur in live workshops and conventions. As someone who was working most of that time, it was great to be able to have the talks going on in my headphones and not miss out on the conversations. What you put together is a...

    Carie L May
    Carie L May
