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Adam Hill

Associate Professor of Electroacoustics, University of Derby

About this speaker

Adam is an Associate Professor of Electroacoustics at the University of Derby (UK). His research focuses on analysis, modeling, and wide-area spatiotemporal control of low-frequency sound reproduction. Adam works seasonally as a sound engineer for Gand Concert Sound (USA), where he has designed and operated sound systems for over one thousand artists. He is chair of the AES Technical Committee on Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement, a member of the IoA Electro-Acoustics Group Committee, and a contributor to the WHO’s Make Listening Safe initiative. Adam received the IoA’s Young Persons’ Award for Innovation in Acoustical Engineering in 2019.

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Managing On-site Sound Exposure and Off-site Noise Pollution

June 04, 2020, 10:45 PM
Adam Hill