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Scott Adamson Ryan Philip George Danielle DePalma Meegan Holmes Jamie Criswell

The Next 6 Months In Live Music

A Talk by Scott Adamson Adamson , Jamie Criswell , Ryan Philip George , Meegan Holmes and Danielle DePalma

About this Talk

We're looking at how the rest of the year might pan out with live concerts (excluding live streaming). Will shows happen and what will that look like?

I invited people with four different positions in the industry to talk through it: manufacturing (Sennheiser), audio provider (8th Day Sound), venue production manager (Bowery Ballroom, NYC), and touring personnel (This Tour Life).

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June 04, 2020, 06:45 PM

06:45 PM - 08:45 PM

About The Speakers

Scott Adamson

Scott Adamson Adamson

Founder, The Production Academy

Jamie Criswell

Jamie Criswell

Sales Director Production Development-Americas, Sennheiser Electronic Corporation

Ryan Philip George

Ryan Philip George

Meegan Holmes

Meegan Holmes

Global Sales, 8th Day Sound

Danielle DePalma

Danielle DePalma

Production Manager, Bowery Ballroom, NYC